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Bettering the Breed Since 2008

We are a trusted Dog Breeder with a true passion for Dutch Shepherds. We breed for exceptional quality, that's health, stability and apperance. We always  ensure we maintain the highest possible standards. Our dogs are FCI Standard, UKC and AKC Registered. Proper size , temperament and stability, they can do anything

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We are a small home based kennel with FCI and KNPV European Lines ​We do a single litter each spring.

All pups are hand raise and stimulated daily  

We have had Dutch Shepherds for 13 yrs. Before that we had Mals for 14 yrs Then German before that 8 yrs 

We raise PROPER PUPs that can basically do anything.

Its really what you put in the dog.

Dogs are super stable, drives are instinctive and you develop .

Have several references lots of happy people all across Canada

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Animal Welfare Come First

At, we continue to care about our pups long after they leave us. To make sure our animals get the forever home they deserve, we carefully interview all potential owners. We work with owners for the life of the dog offering assistance and advice when requested.

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Meet this Beautiful FCI UKC AKC Boy at stud


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We love all our animals, but Bandit Van Neerland is one of the most beautiful types of this breed we have ever seen. He has a wonderfully cheeky disposition that compliments his good looks perfectly. Bandit is the direct descendant of the famous Nico Van Neerland, Grandsire. Bandit is the true ambasitor of the Dutch Shepherd

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Meet this Beautiful FCI UKC AKC dam


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Keuls Yvonne Wapini von Folge is a very special import from the Czech Republic. She is everything you would expect and more with a fantastic pedigree

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Proper PURE breed Dutchies



FCI is the largest canine organisation of the world> they set the stringent standards to maintain the proper breed.



UKC was founded in 1898 as an alternative to the dog registries that focused solely on conformation. Today UKC is the largest all-breed registry in the world. Based in Kalimazom MI the UKC was the 1st North American Register of the Dutch Shepherd



The breeds currently eligible to participate in the Miscellaneous Class are still enrolled in the AKC Foundation Stock Service®. FSS® enrollment is maintained until the AKC Board of Directors accepts the breed for regular status. Authorities acknowledge that throughout the world there are several hundred distinct breeds of purebred dogs, not all of which are AKC recognized breeds. Those officially recognized for AKC registration appear in the Stud Book of the American Kennel Club. The AKC provides for a regular path of development for a new breed, which may result in that breed’s full recognition and appearance in the official Stud Book as an AKC recognized breed.

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The “Dutch Shepherd” or “Hollandse Herder” as it is known in it’s homeland,  the Netherlands , is an FCI registered breed. The official breed club  (Nederlandse Herdershonden Club’) was founded in the Netherlands in 1898,  and similar to the Belgian Shepherd, the Dutch Shepherd comes in different  varieties. The three varieties are - short coat, long coat and rough coat. The short  coat and long coats come in either gold or silver brindle while the rough coat can  come in gold and silver brindle as well as salt and pepper.

In the late 1800’s there wasn’t as much to distinguish between the Belgian,  German and Dutch Shepherds as there is today. They were all shepherd dogs  and while they were different in a lot of respects, they were also cross-bred with  each other on occasions. Some of the early German Shepherd dogs were brindle  in colour and after a few years into this breeds development the brindle colour  was taken out of the gene pool.  

It wasn’t until the 1890’s that these three breeds went their separate ways and  became breeds of their own right, and hence, the Dutch Shepherd became the  brindle shepherd dog of Holland .  

From 1898 to 1914 there were a lot of changes in the breed standard of the Dutch  Shepherd, and while things settled down after this point there were still a few  changes that would happen.

After the first and second world wars the numbers  and condition of the Dutch Shepherds was under threat (as were most dogs) so  they again out crossed to the Belgium Shepherd dog to bring in new blood. 

Around the time of the First World War there were also some crosses to the  German Shepherds but the results were disastrous, so any future crosses were  only made to the Belgium Shepherd. And so after over 100 years of development  and refinement we have today the modern Dutch Shepherd Dog.  

While the Dutch Shepherd is a breed in its own right there are now generally  considered to be two different “types” of Dutch Shepherd available.  

The first is the FCI registered Dutch Shepherd. These dogs are bred to FCI  standards with official pedigrees and generally compete in conformation shows  and or are trained in various dog sports and working pursuits such as IPO,  Agility and SAR. These dogs, like most pedigree dogs, are in the main, bred  more for conformation showing as per FCI Standards, with only a few breeders  concentrating on producing these dogs specifically for working pursuits. The  registered Dutch Shepherd is not a large breed in terms of numbers with  approximately 4000 dogs currently registered with the FCI.  

The second type of Dutch Shepherd is that most commonly found in the Royal  Dutch Police Dog or “Koninklijke Nederlandse Politiehond Vereniging” (KNPV)  training program. Here in it’s homeland the Dutch Shepherd is one of the  mainstay breeds of the KNPV, along with the ever-popular Malinois. In fact a 

Dutch Shepherd called “Fritz” won an international Police dog competition in  Germany back in 1908.  

It is worth noting that two of three founding members of the KNPV were also  members in the Dutch Shepherd Club.  

Within the KNPV program, the Dutch Shepherd has survived without the  influence and pressures of the conformation circles and has not been restricted  by the need for an official pedigree. The Dutch Shepherd of the KNPV program  is, and always has been, bred to be a working police dog. Even within the KNPV  program, compared to the Malinois, the Dutch Shepherd is only relatively small  in population yet continues to maintain a working police dog heritage that few  breeds can match.

Since the year 2000 the Dutch Shepherd has been winning the  national KNPV championships on a regular basis. The 2001 PH1, 2002 PH2,  2003 PH2, 2006 PH1 titles were won by Dutch Shepherds, not to mention all the  2nd and 3rd places gained by other high quality Dutch Shepherds.  

Unlike the dog sport programs such as IPO, Schutzhund, and even French Ring,  the KNPV has no requirement for dogs to hold an FCI or official pedigree. In  fact, around about 90% of the dogs titled in the KNPV program do not have FCI  or official pedigrees.

The KNPV program believes that official pedigrees are not  required to produce quality police dogs - and the continuing success of the  program has proven this to be true. Although a little controversial, most would  have to agree that generally most dogs that successfully obtained a KNPV title  would be capable of obtaining IPO and Schutzhund titles, where as, the same  could not be said of as many Schutzhund or IPO titled dogs being capable of  achieving KNPV Police Dog Titles.  

The difference with the unregistered Dutch Shepherds found in the KNPV  program is that they have a strong influence of Malinois blood in them. Without  the restriction of official registration or pedigree, the definition of whether a dog  is a Malinois or a Dutch Shepherd, primarily comes down to appearance.

When  a Malinois is bred to a Dutch Shepherd some of the pups will be born with a  Fawn coat and will be known as a Malinois, while others will be born with a  brindle coat and will be known as a Dutch Shepherd. One legendry KNPV Dutch  Shepherd was Arras Pegge. While Arras had a Dutch Shepherd for a mother his  father was a Malinois. This simple classification process has allowed the  unregistered Dutch Shepherd (and unregistered Malinois for that matter) to  develop and maintain a large gene pool for breeding. Although the unregistered  Dutch Shepherd can carry a good deal of Malinois blood, people often comment  that they still maintain the often desirable traits of the Dutch Shepherd, that is, a  highly driven, sometimes stubborn dog with more calmness than a Malinois.  They are also often described as “a Malinois with an off switch!”  

In general, the un-registered KNPV Dutch Shepherd is a larger dog (males can  reach over 70 cms at the shoulder and weigh up to 55 kgs, while females can  reach over 65 cms and weigh up to 40 kgs) with larger bones and head size than  the FCI registered dogs. They also commonly have a far more highly and widely  regarded working character than the Dutch Shepherds bred solely to FCI  standards. 

Of interest is the fact that in some European countries such as Belgium, the  official stud books have not been closed for the Dutch Shepherd and a number of  quality unregistered Dutch Shepherds from the KNPV program have entered the  FCI database. One such dog is the 2002 National KNPV PH2 Champion “Nico  Van Neerland”.

These dogs will add to the working qualities of the registered  Dutch Shepherds in the future.  

The search for quality working dogs for police, military and high level  competition around the world has led to a large demand for the Dutch Shepherd  and as such this breed will become a far more common site in the different  service departments around the world, just as it has in it’s homeland of Holland.

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ORIGIN: The Netherlands.


UTILIZATION: Companion dog and Sheepdog.

FCII-CLASSIFICATION: Group 1 Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs. Section 1 Sheepdogs. With working trial.

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: Originally the main function of the Dutch Shepherd Dog was that of a shepherd’s dog in the countryside. From early times, the Dutch had an arable culture that was – among other things – maintained by flocks of sheep. The dogs had to keep the flock away from the crops, which they did by patrolling the borders of the road and the fields. They also accompanied the flocks on their way to the common meadows, markets and ports. At the farm, they kept the hens away from the kitchen garden, they herded the cows together for milking and pulled the milk carts. They also alerted the farmers if strangers entered the farmyard. Around 1900, sheep flocks had for the greater part disappeared in the Netherlands. The versatile skills of the Dutch Shepherd Dog made him suitable for dog training, which was then starting to become popular. Thus he started on a new career as a police dog, as a search- and tracking dog and as a guide dog for the blind. He is, however, still capable of herding sheep. The breed’s first standard dates from 12 June 1898.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: A medium-sized, middle-weighted, well-muscled dog of powerful and well-balanced structure. A dog with lots of endurance, a lively temperament and an intelligent expression. Depending on the coat the breed is distinguished in the following varieties: short-, long- and wire haired.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The length of the body (from point of shoulder to point of buttock) exceeds the height at the withers, approximately at a ratio of 10:9, as suits a trotting dog. The proportion of the length of the skull to the muzzle is 1:1.

BEHAVIOUR/TEMPERAMENT: Very loyal and reliable, always alert, watchful, active, independent, with persistence, intelligence, prepared to be obedient and gifted with the true shepherding temperament. The Dutch Shepherd Dog works willingly together with its owner and he deals independently with any task which is assigned to him. When herding larger flocks he must have the capacity to work together with several other dogs

HEAD: In good proportion to the body. Seen from above and in profile it is wedge-shaped. Its shape is rather elongated , without wrinkles; dry, with flat cheeks and no pronounced cheekbones. Because of the coat, the head of the wire-haired variety appears to look more square, but this is an illusion.

CRANIAL REGION: Skull: Flat Stop: Slight, though clearly present.

FACIAL REGION: Muzzle: Slightly longer than the flat forehead. Bridge of the muzzle straight and parallel to the top line of the cranial region. Nose: Black. Lips: Tight and well pigmented. Jaws/Teeth: Scissors bite, strong, regular and complete.

EYES: Dark coloured and medium sized. The eyes are almond shaped and slightly oblique. The eyes should not be set too wide and should not protrude.

EARS: Medium sized. When the dog is alert, the ears are carried high and erect.

NECK: Not too short, dry, without folds and gradually flowing into the body.

BODY: Firm, but not coarse. Top line: There is a smooth, gentle transition from the neck to the top line of the body, in which head and neck are carried in a natural pose. Back: Straight and firm. Loin: Firm, neither long nor narrow. Croup: Slightly sloping, not short. Underline and belly: Slight tuck up. Chest: Deep and long enough, not narrow, ribs slightly sprung. Fore chest: Fairly well developed.

TAIL: At rest, hanging straight down or with a slight curve. Reaches to the hock. In action, carried gracefully upwards, never curled or carried sideways.

LIMBS: FOREQUARTERS: The forelegs are powerful, of good length, well muscled. The bone is solid but not heavy. Always generally showing a straight line, but with sufficient suppleness of pastern. Shoulder: Shoulder-blades well joined to the body and well sloping. Upper arm: Approximately equal length to the shoulder-blades and well angulated with the connecting bones. Elbow: Well attached. Forefeet: Oval. Well knit, toes arched. Black nails and elastic dark pads.

HINDQUARTERS: The hind-legs are powerful and well-muscled. The bone is solid but never heavy. Not excessively angulated. Thigh and lower thigh: Of approximately equal length. Hock: Perpendicular below the point of buttock. Dewclaws: None present  Hind feet: Oval. Well knit, toes arched. Black nails and elastic dark pads.

GAIT/MOVEMENT: The Dutch Shepherd Dog is a trotter with free, smooth and supple movement, without exaggerated drive or stride.

COAT Hair: Short hair: All over the body, quite hard, close-fitting, not too short coat with woolly undercoat. Ruff, breeches and tail plume are clearly visible. Long hair: All over the body, long, straight, well fitting, harsh to the touch, without curls or waves and with a woolly undercoat. Distinct ruff and breeches. Tail abundantly coated. Head, ears and feet and also the hind legs below the hocks are short and densely coated. The backsides of the forelegs show a strongly developed coat, shortening in length towards the feet, the so-called feathering. No fringes at the ears. Wire hair: Dense, harsh tousled coat and a woolly, dense undercoat all over the body except for the head. The coat should be close. Upper- and lower lip should be well-covered with hair, the whiskers and beard, and two well defined, coarse rough eyebrows that are distinct but not exaggerated. Furnishings are not soft. The hair on the skull and on the cheeks is less strongly developed. In profile it seems as if the head has a more square appearance. Strongly developed breeches are desirable. Tail is covered all round with hair. The brindle colour may be less pronounced because of the tousled coat. The wire hair coat should be hand-plucked on average twice a year. Colour: Brindle. The basic colour is golden or silver. Golden can vary from light sand- coloured to chestnut red. The brindle is clearly present all over the body, in the ruff, breeches and tail. Too much black is undesirable. A black mask is preferable. Heavy white markings on chest or feet is not desirable.

SIZE AND WEIGHT: Height at the withers: Males: 57 - 62 cm. Females: 55- 60 cm.

FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect on the functional health and welfare of the dog.

DISQUALIFYING FAULTS: • Aggressive or overly shy. • Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities. • Lack of breed-type. N.B: • Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation, should be used for breeding. 

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Don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions, or to tell us about the dutch shepherd you are longing for.

Brampton , Ontario

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